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Published: February 02, 2020

There’s been a huge gap in posts on this site which I’m expecting to rectify during 2020. A massive part of this has been due to a project commitment over the last two years that’s consumed pretty much all of my “mental effort”. That’s not to say that I haven’t been learning as this project has offered some great opportunities to learn through my roles as Application Architect and Technical Lead

Some of those technical skills have built on existing skills such as ASP.NET MVC moving to ASP.NET Core. Others were completely new to me such as Vue which has proven an absolute joy to use. Given my pathological hatred of Angular that wasn’t hard but Vue has been built from the ground up as an easily adoptable framework and the project tested this design paradigm from both ends with some sprinkling of reactive goodness on existing ASP.NET Core Razor through to a dynamic form builder capability built entirely with Vue and Vuex.

Here’s some idea of a few posts I’ve got in the pipeline…

  1. Mediatr - The success and failure felt on our project using this package.
  2. Vue - It’s not a strongly opinionated framework (in their own words). However I am strongly of the opinion that it should be your frontend framework of choice. This choice covers Single Page Applications through to a complete replacement for client UI “enrichment” on server based web technologies such as ASP.NET Core where libraries such as jQuery would have typically been the goto choice.
  3. Azure DevOps - This has been our day to day “code and people” management platform for our project for the last two years. It was even called Visual Studio Online when our project started and despite the hopelessly (imo) inappropriate name change we’ve been doing lots with the platform through Agile Planning to CI/CD with what I feel is a good level of productivity. I do however look forward to spending a little less time managing the Pull Request queue in the near future. But more on that one another time.
  4. Identity Server - We have v4 on our project and despite the pains of dealing with the nomenclature that surrounds identity and OIDC in particular I’ve learnt plenty..